DCS Green Affordable Housing

While rapid urbanisation, growing cities provide various opportunities, there are fallouts in terms of proliferation of slums, high prices of land and building materials which render houses unaffordable for the segment at the bottom of the pyramid. Therefore, the need for adequate housing for the low-income groups will substantially increase.

Most importantly, while we create housing for these sections of the society, they need to be green too. The principles of green and sustainability are fortunately or unfortunately community-agnostic, in the sense that they also need to handle wastages a bit more carefully, be thrifty in the usage of energy & water, handle waste in a hygienic manner to avoid outbreak of epidemics, reduced use of virgin materials and above all enhance their own quality of lives.

Housing that is appropriate to the needs of a household and within their means to pay along with being environment conscious. The means (or capacity) of a household to pay for their housing depends on three primary factors:

  • The income of the household;
  • The cost of appropriate housing; and
  • Other essential living costs to be met by the household, such as food and household goods, transport, education and healthcare.


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