The climate crisis is the greatest challenge facing our generation. While wind power is essential to the fight, wind alone will not suffice to meet the United Nations Paris Agreement’s goal of avoiding a rise in global temperature by 2°C. Decarbonizing all sectors of the economy, including heavy industry and transportation, requires passion and ingenuity.
We believe that green hydrogen is an outstanding technology for transferring the benefits of renewables beyond the electricity sector.Contact Siemens Gamesa
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Download our CEOs presentation on green hydrogen in the wind industryWhat is “green hydrogen?”The electrolyzers that are used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, can, if powered by renewable energy, produce hydrogen without any greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen generated in this way is often referred to as green hydrogen.
With green hydrogen as the bridge, green electricity can be transformed into a transportation fuel, or as feedstock in industrial processes, where currently no climate-neutral alternatives exist. Green hydrogen and derived fuels, such as green ammonia, will allow us to put wind power into the fuel tank of a container ship. In this way, hydrogen can significantly extend the decarbonization potential of renewable energy sources.

Today, the world produces 75 million tons of hydrogen each year. Most of it is generated from fossil fuels, mainly natural gas and coal. This accounts for 6% of the global natural gas consumption, 2% of the global coal consumption, and results in 830 million tons of carbon dioxide being released every year – almost as much as Germany’s annual CO2 emissions.
Producing all of this hydrogen with green energy will help to substantially reduce emissions. The future market for this tiny molecule is huge.Wind industry in the green Hydrogen revolution
Read the presentation about the promising potential of green hydrogen, and the significant role it may play in the wind industry.
March 19th, 2021Presentation

New era of offshore green hydrogen production unlocked
Siemens Gamesa and Siemens Energy are joining forces to kickstart a new era of offshore green hydrogen production that will power a cleaner future.
Together, they are developing an innovative solution that fully integrates an electrolyzer into an offshore wind turbine as a single synchronized system to directly produce green hydrogen.
Siemens Gamesa is adapting the world’s most powerful turbine, the SG14-222 DD offshore wind turbine, to integrate an electrolysis system seamlessly into its operation.

Siemens Gamesa have leveraged in-depth knowledge and decades of experience with offshore wind and electric losses are now reduced to a minimum. A modular approach ensures a scalable offshore wind-to-hydrogen solution. Siemens Energy is developing a new electrolysis product that meets the needs of the harsh maritime offshore environment and is in perfect sync with the wind turbine.
The developments will serve as a test bed for making large-scale, cost-efficient hydrogen production a reality and will prove the feasibility of reliable, effective implementation of modular offshore wind-to-hydrogen systems.
Siemens Gamesa and Siemens Energy target a total investment of approximately EUR 120 million over the next five years in the development of this innovative solution, with a full-scale offshore demonstration expected by 2025/2026.Meet Brande Hydrogen

Ever pioneering, Siemens Gamesa is tackling the technical challenges to bring hydrogen production capability to wind turbines. Here’s how.
Siemens Gamesa is developing a hydrogen production plant in Western Denmark. The project couples an electrolyzer with an existing onshore 3-MW turbine, with the possibility to run the system in ‘island mode’, without any connection to the grid. The project is named Brande Hydrogen.
Brande Hydrogen will provide a clear understanding of the integration of the electrolyzer with a variable renewable energy source, and the efficiency of the electrolyzer system over time.
The Danish government has designated Siemens Gamesa’s Brande Hydrogen project as an official regulatory energy test zone, a one-of-a-kind permit in Europe. This permit exempts Siemens Gamesa from some of the energy sector regulations in Denmark. This grant brings us closer to solving one of the biggest challenges in the green energy transition: Integrating unprecedented amounts of renewable energy into the energy system. Our Brande Hydrogen project will demonstrate that green hydrogen can be produced without using any power from the grid and serves as an essential test bed for making large-scale, cost-efficient hydrogen production a reality.
With the Brande Hydrogen project, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy is taking the first steps towards the large-scale production of green hydrogen. This future vision is one where cheap and ample energy production can be utilized in hard-to-abate sectors, thereby contributing to the decarbonization of the entire energy sector, including transportation and heavy industry.Interested in more information on green hydrogen?
The ‘Unlocking the Green Hydrogen Revolution‘ white paper is now available! Take a look to find out how green hydrogen can tackle climate change and support the most polluting sectors to meet their net-zero ambitions by 2050. The new report sets out the ambitious goal of reducing the cost of producing green hydrogen and identifies how industry, governments and investors can work together to unlock the potential of green hydrogen over the next ten years and beyond.

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