Tourism products
According to the World Tourism Organization, a tourism product is:
“a combination of tangible and intangible elements, such as natural, cultural, and man-made resources, attractions, facilities, services and activities around a specific center of interest which represents the core of the destination marketing mix and creates an overall visitor experience including emotional aspects for the potential customers. A tourism product is priced and sold through distribution channels and it has a life-cycle”.
Tourism product covers a wide variety of services including:
- Accommodation services from low-cost homestays to five-star hotels
- Hospitality services including food and beverage serving centers
- Health care services like massage
- All modes of transport, its booking and rental
- Travel agencies, guided tours and tourist guides
- Cultural services such as religious monuments, museums, and historical places
- Shopping
International tourism
This section is an excerpt from International tourism.

International tourism over time

International tourist arrivals per year by region
International tourism is tourism that crosses national borders. Globalisation has made tourism a popular global leisure activity. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimatethat up to 500,000 people are in flight at any one time. # ISO certification in India
Modern aviation has made it possible to travel long distances quickly.
In 2010, international tourism reached US$919B, growing 6.5% over 2009, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 4.7%. In 2010, there were over 940 million international tourist arrivals worldwide. By 2016 that number had risen to 1,235 million, producing 1,220 billion USD in destination spending.The COVID-19 crisis had significant negative effects on international tourism significantly slowing the overall increasing trend.International tourism has significant impacts on the environment, exacerbated in part by the problems created by air travel but also by other issues, including wealthy tourists bringing lifestyles that stress local infrastructure, water and trash systems among others. # ISO certification in India
The economic foundations of tourism are essentially the cultural assets, the cultural property and the nature of the travel location. The World Heritage Sites are particularly worth mentioning today because they are real tourism magnets. But even a country’s current or former form of government can be decisive for tourism. For example, the fascination of the British royal family brings millions of tourists to Great Britain every year and thus the economy is around £550 million a year. The Habsburg family can be mentioned in Central Europe. According to estimates, the Habsburg brand should generate tourism sales of 60 million euros per year for Vienna alone. The tourist principle “Habsburg sells” applies.
Tourism typically requires the tourist to feel engaged in a genuine experience of the location they are visiting. According to Dean MacCannell, tourism requires that the tourist can view the toured area as both authentic and different from their own lived experience. 113 [better source needed] By viewing the “exotic,” tourists learn what they themselves are not: that is, they are “un-exotic,” or normal. # ISO certification in India
According to MacCannell, all modern tourism experiences the “authentic” and “exotic” as “developmentally inferior” to the modern—that is, to the lived experience of the tourist. # ISO certification in India